Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Saturday: Will Death Have the Final Word?

Holy Saturday is the most intriguing day of Holy Week to me.

I love Maundy Thursday and the Eucharist meal, I love Good Friday and the cross, and I love Easter and the celebration.

But Saturday is the day of ambiguity, the day that interprets us as humans. We wake up this morning with the realization that death has won. Hope died on the cross. On Friday, it was just a person, a friend, who was executed. But, on Saturday, we remember the hope that was tied to this person.

And so we mourn, not just for the person who was killed, but also for ourselves, for we are now in despair, without hope.

That is the stark reality that is Holy Saturday.

Let that situation set in for a minute.

Now, let that situation interpret you. Are you one who gives up in the absence of hope? Or are you one who hopes beyond hope, who believes in the impossible, who refuses to accept the status quo no matter what?

It's easy to believe on Easter morning.

The question is, can you believe on Holy Saturday?


  1. This is a powerful way to put it, JB. So much in our lives happens in this place, asking this question.

  2. Janet Zimmerman SchmuckerApril 24, 2011 at 5:56 AM

    Beautifully said, James. Thank you for that perspective.
